Why do you need Supporting Roles in a Tech Company?

The Supporting Roles Until now I talked about the basic roles essential to have in any company which has a business with Tech products. Again what I share here is my perspective about what I have learnt during my years in engineering, it might be not the perfect one but what's I have seen so... Continue Reading →

What’s the meaning of a Product Marketing Manager ?

When I first heard for the first time that me as product engineer have to collaborate with a guy holding the role of Product Marketing Manager I told to myself, "why the heck do I need this guy? What for?". The Product Manager is already sufficient to tell me what's going on on the market... Continue Reading →

How to work effectively with Engineers.

In my early years I was (process) engineer myself, and I had to collaborate with multiple Product Managers and Product Designers. The experience was good for me but unfortunately not good for them. I often see people holding such positions as Product or Program Managers is tech companies and they have no idee what engineering... Continue Reading →

THE PRODUCT DESIGNER – Why is this role essential for any tech-business?

A Tech-Product Business without Product Designers is like a hospital without doctors. The role of Product Designer is therefore essential if you have a business in technology. 3 main disciplines are the ones that deliver high-quality and high-tech products: Software engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering. You either have all 3 of them or only one... Continue Reading →


In my previous post I was sharing my perspective about how to be a great Product Manager which is a very important role for any company -particularly the ones having a Tech-Products business. But anyway, I am a tech-guy so everything I talk about business has a connection with technology. Now that we've seen what... Continue Reading →

THE PRODUCT MANAGER – Why is this role essential in a tech-company?

If you are an entrepreneur and have or plan to have a tech business then you must be fully aware that in order to do this succesfully on long-term you need at least 5 types of expertise around you. These are: Product Managers; Product Designers; Engineers (mechanical, software, electrical); Marketing Managers; Sales Managers Of course some... Continue Reading →


Principles of Strong Product Teams To continue with the principles of a strong Product team as I mentioned in the 1st Part, in order to have successful long-term business with Tech products the most important thing is to have THE RIGHT PEOPLE. And for that you must first build a strong team. Once the product... Continue Reading →


Principles of Strong Product Teams When I had my first job as engineer back in 2003 I had no idea what and how a product team actually does and also didn't know WHY a Product team is the most important part in a long-term successful business for a tech company. During the years I started... Continue Reading →

DESIGNING A GREAT WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE _When close friends go awry: What to do about gossip in the workplace?

I said it before and I say it again. At workplace you don't have real friends and you never will. In the best case scenario you eventually get close to somebody you enjoy working with, you team up very well when working on projects, collaboration is awesom but that's all, that person is not your... Continue Reading →

DESIGNING A GREAT WORKPLACE EXPERIENCE _How to turn a group of strangers into a community of friends?

Measuring workplace friendships is very important in any business for Nr. 1 reason: It’s one of the strongest predictors of productivity. Studies show that employees with a best friend at work tend to be more focused, more passionate, and more loyal to their organizations. They get sick less often, suffer fewer accidents, and change jobs... Continue Reading →

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